Blogger9:- How to add your design favicon in your blogger Address Bar.

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I am telling those who don't know  favicon and did not know how to add custum favicon to their blog.
The main advantage of creating and using favicon is ,it makes it easy to find your blog or site when someone  bookmarked your blogger among several other sites.

Now go to your blogger dashboard and click on Design after that click Edit html after Expand

and press ctrl+f to find below code it (is at the top the template).


and add the below code just after the above one[as shown in the below

<link href='ICON FILE URL' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='ICON FILE URL' rel='icon'/>

and replace the 'ICON FILE URL' with the url of your icon file.
That's done and you can see your favicon to your blog address bar.

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