How To Add Twit This! Icon below your blogger post . 0

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Hey! dear visitors. you know twitter is a popular site in the world. so twitter provide us a socail bookmarking icon for twitter. here is the update of tweet this gadget. please update you gadget with this. A few readers have asked if it is possible to add a "Tweet This" link to our Blogger templates, and while this was possible. so i hope you really like this blogger gadget! if you a face any problem please report it to us! thank you!

*.Log in to your dashboard-->Design- -> Edit HTML

*.Click on "Expand Widget Templates .

* Now click on Design Tab and Edit HTML Now.

* Click Expand BOX.

* Scroll down to where you see this: ]]></b:skin>

* Now copy below code and paste it before above code.

background:url( 10px top no-repeat;

*.Now again scroll down to where you see this


*.Copy and paste below right after above line.

<div class='share-twitthis'>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title'>Twit This!</a></div>

* Now save your template and you are done.

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