How to add Angel Emoticons For Blogger Comments. 2

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Hi friends now add Angel Emoticons in your blogger Comments this very nice tutorial Design by Me.
If you like this please add your comment in below this post.

Follow Simple and easy step to for adding angel emotions in your blogger Comments---->>>>

* First go to Your blogger Dashboard.

* Now click in Design tab and Edit HTML.

* Click in small box to expand your blogger Template.

* Now find this code <h4 id='comment-post-message'> By CTRL+F key.

* Copy below code and paste before <h4 id='comment-post-message'> 

<div style=' width: 450px; text-align: left; border: 4px solid #FF6600; background: #FEDFBF; padding: 10px; color:#0084ce; font-weight:bold; '>
<img border='0' src=''/> :a
<img border='0' src=''/> :b
<img border='0' src=''/> :c
<img border='0' src=''/> :d
<img border='0' src=''/> :e
<img border='0' src=''/> :f
<img border='0' src=''/> :g
<img border='0' src=''/> :h
<img border='0' src=''/> :i
<img border='0' src=''/> :j
<img border='0' src=''/> :k
<img border='0' src=''/> :l
<img border='0' src=''/> :m
<img border='0' src=''/> :n
<img border='0' src=''/> :o
<img border='0' src=''/> :p
<img border='0' src=''/> :q
<img border='0' src=''/> :r
<img border='0' src=''/> :s
<img border='0' src=''/> :t 

* Again find this code </body> By CTRL+F key easily.

* Copy below code and paste before </body>

<script type='text/javascript'>
a = document.getElementById('comments'); 
if(a) { 
b = a.getElementsByTagName("DD"); 
for(i=0; i < b.length; i++) { 
if (b.item(i).getAttribute('CLASS') == 'Author-comment-body' , 'comment-body') { 
_str = b.item(i).innerHTML.replace(/:a/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:b/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:c/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:d/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:e/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:f/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:g/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:h/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:i/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:j/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:k/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>");
_str = _str.replace(/:l/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:m/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:n/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:o/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:p/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:q/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:r/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:s/gi, "<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>"); 
_str = _str.replace(/:t/ig,"<img src='' alt='' class='smiley'/>") 
b.item(i).innerHTML = _str; 

* Now click To save your blogger Comment. And cheers.

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