Hi Friends i am telling about you new blogger design effect and how can add this on your blogger.com blog are you know what i will give you trick no you don't know. I am sharing with you how we can add Highlighter Scroller to Blogger this is best tricks who want to add some message to their blog for their blog visitor this is best secrets for blogger owner to highlight their text in blogger now add this with giving following step below and enjoy with your blog comment to this post for my blog now.
* First Go to your blogger DASHBOARD.
* Click On design tab.And you will be here- Page elements
* Now click on add Gadget on the sidebar.
* Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.
<div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px"> <span id="highlighter" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;font-size:18px;font-family:Verdana;background-color:yellow;clip:rect(0px 0px auto 0px)"></span> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var tickercontents=new Array() tickercontents[0]='Your Highlighter Scroller Text Here' var tickdelay=3000 var highlightspeed=10 var currentmessage=0 var clipwidth=0 function changetickercontent(){ crosstick.style.clip="rect(0px 0px auto 0px)" crosstick.innerHTML=tickercontents[currentmessage] highlightmsg() } function highlightmsg(){ var msgwidth=crosstick.offsetWidth if (clipwidth<msgwidth){ clipwidth+=highlightspeed crosstick.style.clip="rect(0px "+clipwidth+"px auto 0px)" beginclip=setTimeout("highlightmsg()",20) } else{ clipwidth=0 clearTimeout(beginclip) if (currentmessage==tickercontents.length-1) currentmessage=0 else currentmessage++ setTimeout("changetickercontent()",tickdelay) } } function start_ticking(){ crosstick=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlighter") : document.all.highlighter crosstickParent=crosstick.parentNode? crosstick.parentNode : crosstick.parentElement if (parseInt(crosstick.offsetHeight)>0) crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px' else setTimeout("crosstickParent.style.height=crosstick.offsetHeight+'px'",100) //delay for Mozilla's sake changetickercontent() } if (document.all || document.getElementById) window.onload=start_ticking </script>
* Now Save your html/javascript and you are done............Good LUCK
Note: Replace Your Highlighter Scroller Text Here with your text.
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