No need to worry if you have oily skin, you can treat you oily skin with some ingredients that are easily available in your home.
1. Crab Apple: Make a paste apply all over neck, and leave it for 20 minutes. Let it dry on your face then wash with Luke warm water, it contains alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) that tone, soften and moisturize dull oily skin.
2. Sandalwood Powder: Take few drops of water and add in half tablespoon sandalwood powder, apply the paste allover the face, neck & hands in upward and outward direction. Let it dry and wash with tepid water, it will reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Regular use will also help to avoid acne and blemishes.
3. Milk: Milk is an excellent oil free cleanser and it does not dries out skin, it is very important for people with oily skin to keep their skin clear otherwise acnes will make their skin patchy and rough. Oily skin has open and enlarges pores; wash your face throughout the day with milk so that pores are not clogged with oil. Wash your face before going to bed at night.
4. Make up residues are worst enemies of the skin, mix 2-3 drops of sandalwood or lavender oil with 2 tablespoon on milk and massage gently allover the face to remove dirt and makeup, do not stretch the skin near eye area while removing eye make up.
5. Rich powder and Corn flour: It is very necessary to exfoliate with a gentle scrub about 3-4 times per week to balance the skin moisture. Rich powder is an excellent natural exfoliating agent, it gives the over stressed oily skin a healthy radiance. Make a paste with 1 tablespoon rich powder, 1 tablespoon corn flour and few drops of lemon juice, add water if necessary, apply allover face and neck in upward and outward direction in circular motion, rich powder removes the dead cells that accumulate in the upper layer of skin thus cleanse the pores, lemon juice has a bleaching property that treats dark spots left by multiple outbreaks of oily skin.
6. Potato and Cucumber slices: Close your eyes and put 2 slices on top of eye lids, the natural juice removes dark circles.
7. Almond meal and lemon rind: Make a facial scrub with 2 table spoon almond meal, 1 table spoon ground table rind and 3-4 tablespoon milk. Gently scrub your face and get rid of excess oil.
Oil production decrease with age and skin starts to wrinkle. Then it becomes necessary to supply the skin with oil or moisturizers especially in winter. But people with oily skin Will be glad to know that oily skin generally ages slowly, so do not be tense if you have oily skin you can live a better tomorrow with your oily skin
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