Blogger9:- Let's Use free Unlimited internet on mobile/pc by Airtel. 0

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Hello Friends i just telling abut free one day unlimited internet by airtel. this is best internet usefull tips for everybody who want to surf free internet by tricks.
It is not a fake idea . i really use this tips from my mobile to pc and unlimited download content online .
So read it full story by Net Solution Online in our best internet blog

Let's i am telling most important note to you this is my personaly invent tips for all user internet if ypu like please comment for our blog and join as our followers...Admin

1- First you buy a new airtel sim from market which price are only Rs. 10 .

2-After buying sim add your sim to GPRS enable handset.

3-Swith on your Mobile.

4-After insertig sim in your handset don't calling to 123.

5- Without calling 123 you just dail *567#

6- Then choose unlimited plan Rs.10 from menu.

7- Your internet activated.

8- After 20 minutes activating call 123.

9- Then restart your mobile and save gprs setting.

10- Now enjoy free unlimited internet on your mobile and pc

Just cheer up.

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