Blogger9:-Learn howw To Add 'Reddit' Links to your blogger now. 0

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 How To Add 'Reddit' Links to your blogger posts
The site has discussion areas in which users may discuss submissions and vote for or against other people's comments (commonly known as up voting and down voting). When there are enough votes against a given comment, it will not be displayed by default, although a reader can display it by clicking an additional link or by changing the preferences. The default preferences cut-off comments whose value is -4 or less, meaning they had received at least five more negative votes than they did positive votes. The default comment sorting is set in such a way that so-called 'best' comments are displayed on top (defined by reddit's algorithm as having a better positive to negative ratio but still influenced by the total number of votes). The user is given the option to change that in their preferences, as well as on each individual comment page. The appearance of submissions on the front page is determined by the age of the submission, positive to negative feedback ratio and the total vote count.

1.Log in to your dashboard Click on  Desing tab now  Edit HTML

2.Click on "Expand Widget Templates"

3.Scroll down to where you see this <p><data:post.body/></p> tag.

4.Copy below code and paste it immediately after the line <p><data:post.body/></p> 

<a expr:href='&quot;;url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Share on Reddit!!!</a>

5.Click on "Save Templates" you are done.

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