Hello friends Technorati is most popular blog directory and it has great alexa rank so if your blog or blog post submit to technorati your blog rank in alexa also improve so don't miss this widget adding now.
Follow simple step to adding this widget in your blog easily now ------>>>>>
* First go to your blogger Dashboard .
* Now click in design tab and edit HTML.
*Click in small box to expand your blogger template now.
* Now find this code
by CTRL+F key easily.
* Copy below code and paste before
200 blog reaction
<div style="float:left;padding: 6px 10px 6px 0px;"> <script src='http://embed.technorati.com/linkcount' type='text/javascript'/> <a expr:href='"http://technorati.com/search/" + data:post.url' rel='linkcount'>Blog reactions</a> </div>
* If you want to add this widget in right position copy below code and paste before
<div style="float:left;padding: 6px 0px 6px 6px;"> <script src='http://embed.technorati.com/linkcount' type='text/javascript'/> <a expr:href='"http://technorati.com/search/" + data:post.url' rel='linkcount'>Blog reactions</a> </div>
* Now save your blogger template now you are done ok.
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