Hi Friends by this tip your can Highlight your Blogger Image on Mouseover- Try Now !!
Place Your Mouse pointer Over the image
Now follow simple and easy step to adding this effect to your blogger Image---->>>>
* First go to your blogger Dasboard.
* Now click in Design tab and edit HTML.
* Click in small box to expand your blogger Template.
* Now find this code </head> by CTRL+F key.
* Copy below code and paste before </head>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- Script courtesy of http://www.blogger9.com - GREAT PORTAL FOR BLOGGER TRICKS function makevisible(cur,which){ strength=(which==0)? 1 : 0.2 if (cur.style.MozOpacity) cur.style.MozOpacity=strength else if (cur.filters) cur.filters.alpha.opacity=strength*100 } // --> </SCRIPT>
* Now click to save your blogger Template.
* Again go to your blogger Dashboard and click in design tab.
* Now you are here--->>> Page Element.
* Click in Add Gadget which is in blog sidebar.
* When open new window click in HTML/javascript.
* When open new blank box copy below code and paste in blank box.
<img src="yourimage.gif here" width="96" height="134" style="filter:alpha(opacity=20);-moz-opacity:0.2" onMouseover="makevisible(this,0)" onMouseout="makevisible(this,1)">
NOTE:- Your Image Format should be .gif ok you can change image width and Hieght as you want and replace highlighted text in above code with your image source.
* Now click to save your HTML/javascript and you are done CHEERS.
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