Simple step to increase blog page impression ! Must Read 0

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Simple step to increase blog page impression ! Must Read

If you are running a site or blog, then you can earn quite an amount of money by placing ads. All you have to do is raise your site traffic and sell ad space. Selling can be done easily by placing your message on popular discussion forums like Digital Point. In order to attract more business people, you have to raise site traffic.
Here we have listed simple tips to drive more traffic to your site.

Fresh content:
Regular posting of fresh articles related to a specific niche is the best way to attract more visitors.

Related Post:
Provide lists of related posts at the bottom of article. This will make visitors click on more links on your blog and visit another page which in turn raises the page impression. You can also provide links to old topics that are archived in your site.

Get more backlinks to your site. This can be done by submitting the site URL in bookmarking sites like Delicious, submitting articles with backlink to your site on social sites like Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Mixx etc, participating in discussion forums and exchanging links.

List out categories in the side bar, to let visitors know there’s a lot in store for them to click on and read. While choosing categories think about your niche and select categories that would entice visitors to click on.

Social Networking:
Participate in popular social networking sites and join groups related to your niche. You can recommend your posts to group members and promote your site.

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