Hi Firends now add cool email subscription widget in blogger sidebar.
Follow simple and easy step to adding this widget box in your blospot blog---->>>
* First got to your blogger Dashboard.
* Now click in design tab and edit HTML.
* Click in small box to expand your blogger Template.
* Now find this code ]]</b:skin> by CTRL+F key.
* Copy below code and paste before ]]</b:skin>
Follow simple and easy step to adding this widget box in your blospot blog---->>>
* First got to your blogger Dashboard.
* Now click in design tab and edit HTML.
* Click in small box to expand your blogger Template.
* Now find this code ]]</b:skin> by CTRL+F key.
* Copy below code and paste before ]]</b:skin>
#subscribe-box { background : #add8e9 url(http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/sub-bg.png) repeat; border : 2px solid #46a3bc; margin-bottom : 35px; padding : 8px; font-size : 12px; overflow : hidden; } #subscribe-box p { font-size : 13px; margin-bottom : 2px; } #subscribe-box h4 { font-size : 20px; color : #222; margin-bottom : 15px; } #subscribe-box a { color : #111; } #subs1 { overflow : hidden; margin-bottom : 18px; } #subs { overflow : hidden; } #subs .rss, #subs .fb, #subs .tw { height : 40px; float : left; padding : 0 0 0 40px; } #subs .rss { background : url(http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/rss11.png) no-repeat; width : 68px; } #subs .fb { background : url(http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/facebook11.png) no-repeat; width : 60px; } #subs .tw { background : url(http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/twitter11.png) no-repeat; width : 62px; } #subs .bt span.fbsmall { font-size : 11px; } #subs .bt span.fblarge { font-size : 13px; }
* Now click to save your blogger template.
* Now again go to your blogger Dashboard and click in design tab.
* Now you are here ---->>> Page element.
* Click in add gadget which is in your blogger sidebar.
* When open new window click in HTML/javascript from list.
* When open new blank box copy below code and paste in blank box.
<div id="subscribe-box"> <h4>Subscribe and Stay Updated!</h4> <div id="subs1"> <p>Sign up to receive daily email newsletter</p> <form style="padding:3px;" action="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="window.open('http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=ADD YOUR FEEDBURNER URL LAST NAME HERE', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true"> <input id="text" type="text" name="email"/> <input type="hidden" value="bloggersolutions" name="uri"/> <input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US"/> <input id="sub" type="submit" value="Subscribe" /></form> </div> <div id="subs"> <div class="rss bt"> <a href="YOUR FEEDBURNER URL HERE"><span class="fbsmall">Subscribe via</span> <span class="fblarge">RSS</span></a> </div> <div class="fb bt"> <a href="YOUR FACEBOOK URL HERE"><span class="fbsmall">Join us on</span> <span class="fblarge">Facebook</span></a> </div> <div class="tw bt"> <a href="YOUR TWITTER URL HERE"><span class="fbsmall">Follow us on</span> <span class="fblarge">Twitter</span></a> </div> </div><!-- End #subs -->
NOTE:- Remove highlighted text in above code with your own ok.
* Now click to save your HTML/javascript now you are done ok.
1 Responses So Far:
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