Hello everybody add this special pepsi style navigation menu in your blogger blog easily ---->>>>
Follow simple and easy step to adding this special menu in your blogger blog---->>>>
* First go to your blogger Dashboad.
* Now click in desing tab and edit HTML.
* Now find this code ]]</b:skin> by CTRL+f key.
* Now copy below code and paste before ]]</b:skin>
Follow simple and easy step to adding this special menu in your blogger blog---->>>>
* First go to your blogger Dashboad.
* Now click in desing tab and edit HTML.
* Now find this code ]]</b:skin> by CTRL+f key.
* Now copy below code and paste before ]]</b:skin>
#menu { float : left; width : 962px; height : 47px; background : url('http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/menu-bg.gif') no-repeat 0% 0%; } #menu ul.nav { float : left; width : 645px; height : 43px; list-style : none; } #menu ul.nav li { float : left; font-size : 14px; line-height : 43px; padding-right : 2px; text-transform : uppercase; background : url('http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/menu-sep.gif') no-repeat right 0%; } #menu ul.nav li.last { background : none; } #menu ul.nav li a { float : left; width : auto; padding : 0 22px; color : #fff; text-decoration : none; } #menu ul.nav li a.home { float : left; width : 73px; padding : 0; text-align : center; } #menu ul.nav li a.home:hover { background : none; } #menu ul.nav li a.home img { margin-top : 3px; } #menu ul.nav li a:hover { background : url('http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/hover.gif') no-repeat center 0%; } #menu ul.nav li a:hover.last_hover { background : url('http://santabanta.mywapblog.com/files/hover-last.gif') no-repeat center 0%; } #menu ul.links { float : left; width : 314px; height : 33px; padding-top : 10px; list-style : none; } #menu ul.links li { float : left; width : auto; padding-left : 18px; } #menu ul.links li .left { float : left; padding-right : 5px; } #menu ul.links li .right { float : left; } #menu ul.links li img { float : left; } #menu ul.links li a { float : left; color : #fff; cursor : pointer; font-size : 10px; line-height : 12px; text-transform : uppercase; text-decoration : none; } #menu ul.links li a:hover { text-decoration : underline; }
* Now click to save your blogger Template .
* Again go to your blogger Dashboard and click in design tab.
* Now you are here---->>>> Page Element.
* Click in add Gadget which is in your blog sidebar.
* When open new window click in HTML/javascript from list.
* Now when open new blank box copy below code and paste in blank box.
<div id="menu"> <ul class="nav"> <li class="last"><a class="home" href="YOUR BLOG URL HERE/"> <img alt="IconsPedia.com" height="27" src="http://iconpedia.net/common/images/home_bg.gif" width="25" /></a></li> <li><a href="TAB1 URL hERE">TAB1 TITLE HERE</a></li> <li><a href="TAB2 URL HERE">TAB2 TITLE HERE</a></li> <li class="last"><a class="last_hover" href="TAB3 URL HERE">TAB3 TITLE HERE</a></li> </ul> <ul class="links"> <li> <script type="text/javascript"> var addthis_pub="ewallpapers"; </script><a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20" onclick="return addthis_sendto()" onmouseout="addthis_close()" onmouseover="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')"><img alt="Bookmark and Share" height="20" src="http://iconpedia.net/common/images/share.jpg" width="65" /></a><script src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/200/addthis_widget.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> </li> </ul> </div>
NOTE:- Remove highlighted text with your own ok.
* Now click to save your HTML/javascript and drag and drop this element below header.
* Now again click in save button now you are done.
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